I think it is wise to avoid preaching about sensitive issues and instead write about them in the bulletin or hold special events to discuss them. This is because there is such a diversity of ages in our congregation, and I want to always respect the role of parents and guardians as the first and best teachers of their children. Today’s Gospel of the woman caught in adultery inspires me to write to you about sexual sins and pornography.
Of all the types of sins that we commit, it seems like sexual sins cause us the most shame and guilt. There could be people who do not think twice about committing gossip, slander, holding prejudice in their hearts, or stealing – but feel overwhelmed with shame about masturbating and viewing pornography. In some ways, this makes sense in that our sexuality is such an intimate part of who we are. Treating another human being simply as an object of our pleasure and not as a brother or sister in the Lord hurts us and them so very much. However, in other ways, I feel the enemy of our souls preys on the propensity in us to feel such shame around sex to tie us up into all kinds of knots and make us feel worse about these sins than sins like hatred and pride that can be every bit as deadly. The evil one can convince us to keep these sins hidden and in the darkness. Yet, when we look at the statistics, it is staggering how many people struggle with lust and its associated vices. It is also alarming that the ages when children are being exposed to these types of sins on-line are becoming younger and younger. So, my first thought is to say, Be brave and courageous! You are not alone in the struggle and many of the people you know, and love are struggling and feel ashamed. Be not ashamed and do not despair! Know that God loves you and always offers His forgiveness and encouragement. As with most things, the only way to make progress and get better is to acknowledge the problem and start working towards prayerful and practical solutions. The Archdiocese is a “Safe Haven” diocese, which means that it strives to provide teaching in resources to protect individuals, marriages, and families from the harmful effects of pornography. The website you can check out is:https://cleanheart.online/archdiocese-baltimore-0 to learn more and check out the resources. I am also available anytime to help with the Sacrament of Reconciliation, materials, resources, or just to chat.
Finally, sometimes people think the Church’s teaching on sexuality is too idealistic or out of touch. However, more and more we learn and see in the broken culture around us evidence that supports the view of what the Church teaches about the precious gift of our sexuality. One website I recommend that speaks in a purely scientific and non-religious way about the dangers of pornography is called “Fight the New Drug”:http://www.fightthenewdrug.org/
God Bless you!
Love and peace,
Fr. Matt
Spring clean-up day – volunteers needed!
WHO: Cheerful, willing volunteers.
WHAT: Debris and leaf cleanup of gardens and grounds.
WHEN: Saturday, April 9th, from 8:30 to 11:30 AM
Spring has sprung! Bring your work gloves; tools will be provided. Any amount of time you can give is appreciated.
Don’t forget that Palm Sunday is the time to return your Rice Bowls. You can also convert your donation to a check written to CRS, or donate online to CRS directly. You can also make Rice Bowl donations on our GiveCentral page.
Please make a donation to our Easter collection!
We rely on this collection very heavily to support our operating budget and fund our ministries and programs. It is one of the largest collections of the year. Please make a gift as every amount counts! Click here to make a gift online!Thank you for your continued generosity to the Parish!
Join us in praying the Rosary each Sunday after the 9 AM Mass in the church!