Today is the glorious Pentecost Sunday! It really doesn’t get much bigger or more important than this. Outside of Christmas and Easter, there is no more important celebration than the gift of the Holy Spirit. In fact, Pentecost, which occurs 50 days after Easter, used to have a special “octave” (8 days) of celebrations after it, like we do for Christmas and Easter. Unfortunately, we no longer celebrate those special days in the liturgical calendar. The Jewish Feast of Pentecost was a celebration of the giving of the law to Moses. In many ways, this is what we celebrate – the giving of the new law of the Spirit, and a law of love for God and neighbor that is ingrained not on stone tablets, but on our hearts.
This is also traditionally considered the birthday of the Church! Filled with the Holy Spirit, the Apostles go out of the upper room and begin to preach the Good News of Jesus Christ. The world has never been the same. This Holy Spirit still guides us, inspires us, and impels us to go out into the world and share the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The Church is ancient, ever new, and renewed through the Spirit. On this very special day, let us pray for continued renewal of ourselves, our pastorate, and the Urban Church here in Baltimore. The Holy Spirit is at work in all of us and is doing great things.
On a quick, personal note, could I ask for your prayers for one of my very dear Aunts who was just admitted to hospice care. Her name is Millie, and she is such a loving and kind person. Thank you and God bless!
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