I always have a hard time with the Feast of the Ascension. It seems bittersweet to me. Jesus has risen from the dead, and now, He ascends into Heaven at the right hand of the Father to intercede for us. I understand that, as always, Jesus is leading the way and that where He has gone, we hope to follow. I can also understand that He has sent us the Holy Spirit to help us and the value in taking ownership of our Christian lives without Jesus being physically here. Yet, like the Disciples I yearn to see the Lord in the flesh and to have Him with us, especially in difficult moments. Yes, He is with us in prayer, the Sacraments, the Scriptures, and in each other. But it just isn’t the same.
The bitter part of the Ascension really stands out for me this weekend as we mourn the tragic death of elementary school students and teachers massacred in Texas through an act of sheer evil. This is on the heels of the death of 10 innocent people gunned down in a racist attack 10 days prior. I just want to fall into the arms of Jesus and cry. I want to hear Jesus’ voice say this can never happen again and to inspire real courageous change to our gun laws and to our cultural propensity to violence. This is where I think Jesus wants us to speak and act for Him, to be His presence in our world today.
For the life of me, I cannot understand why we don’t have universal background checks to buy a gun. How can it be easier to buy a gun than it is to buy alcohol? Why does anyone need high-capacity assault-type weapons? And I have many more questions. Why do we gravitate towards violence to solve our problems? How is it that we don’t recognize and see the hurt so many are going through and refuse to help them?
The Ascension does carry a promise with it that gives me hope. Jesus promises not only that we can follow Him to Heaven, but that one day He will come back, and the Kingdom of God will be realized in its fullness. Lord, inspire in us real change to make your Kingdom come on Earth as it is in Heaven, and please come back soon!
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